Financial Aid, Grants, and Scholarships

Financial Aid, Grants, and Scholarships

Paying for College

One of the biggest hurdles for many students is not being ready for college academically. That usually gets taken care of in the process of selecting the right classes, keeping up with grades, etc. In other words, that’s something that takes place as an ongoing process throughout high school.

The part that sometimes seems like it’s “getting the cart before the horse” is obtaining the financial resources to pay for college. For reasons that still allude many of us, colleges often want applicants to send everything in for acceptance long before any firm information is even available about what scholarships, grants, student loans, etc. can be earned by students. This does not usually make parents more comfortable with the college application process.


Not knowing how a student and/or his/her parents are going to pay for the ever-rising costs of college is something that Satan can use to pressure us into making poor choices. Remember to trust God’s leading in this and every decision related to the future. 

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. – Joshua 1:9
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6

What is a CEEB Code?

Some university applications will require a College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) code entry for any high school or college previously attended. A CEEB code identifies any U.S. high school and college. When taking any college entrance exam (such as the ACT or College Board SAT), the CEEB code will be needed.

First Coast Christian’s CEEB code is 100767.


Determining Need for Financial Aid

One of the best places to start is to determine what federal aid that you may qualify for.

Take advantage of all the information available at Office of the U. S. Department of Education online.  You can use the tools there to estimate, based on information you supply, what you will most likely be able to get from the federal level to help pay for college.  This does not replace actually filing for federal aid using the online FAFSA application system. To actually file online, you must first set up an account at the FAFSA website. Also, the FAFSA application is getting simpler than it was in previous years. To help you walk through the process, here are some great video presentations by the EducationQuest Foundation.



Bright Futures & Other State Scholarships & Grants

The state of Florida offers merit-based scholarships based on academic accomplishments. The details for qualification can be found at the Florida Student Financial Aid Website.  You will need to set up an account by clicking on Create a Student Account under First-Time Applicants.

You may also go directly to the online Bright Futures Scholarships Handbook to view the requirements or download the pdf’s below.


Playing Sports in College

For those students who wish to continue playing sports in college, there are sometimes additional opportunities for scholarships through college sports.  If the college you are considering is a member of the National College Athletic Association (NCAA), you will need to register at the NCAA website.  The NCAA has three divisions: Division I, II, and III. Playing college sports in each division has certain academic expectations that are outlined in the “Are You Ready?” brochure on the NCAA Eligibility Website.   For information on how to connect with college scouts, please contact our Athletic Director, Mrs. Perri Teel.

Sources of Financial Aid

Scholarship Searches


Some of the best and reputable sites for scholarship searches available (even after graduation) are listed in the article “The 10 best sites to look for scholarships“.  Our graduates should also read the article “Scholarships for Current College Students“.

Testing for College Preparedness and Entrance

Study Skills

Dual Enrollment

Community Service

College Information

Career Information
