Community Service

Community Service

Get Outside of Your Box!

In a day when young people are being challenged to be competitive in a global economy, a great deal of emphasis is often placed on academic pursuits.  Although this is important, as people we should not forget about our responsibilities to our fellow man.  The Bible reminds us that “…as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise” (Luke 6:31) and “…let each esteem other better than themselves” (Philippians 2:3).

 It is therefore important that we give attention to the needs of our fellow man.  In order to encourage our students to expand their world to include service to others, we encourage them to get involved in volunteer work.

Scholarship Benefits

The state of Florida even requires community service hours for earning Bright Futures scholarships.  Bright Futures guidelines draw a distinction between simple volunteer hours and community service hours based on the intent behind the chosen field were the student is serving.

Reporting Your Hours!

The  FCCS Community Service Hour Log Sheet can be used to record all service hours.  These hours must be turned into the FCCS Guidance office by the end of the school year to be recorded in the permanent student record and to appear on high school transcripts.

Work Related Community Service

The state of Florida recognizes that many students must work a job in order to help with household expenses. The hours that a student works can now be counted as community service hours. A copy of the pay stub showing hours worked must be submitted to the Academic Dean to log into the student's community service account.  

Testing for College Preparedness and Entrance

Study Skills

Financial Aid, Grants, and Scholarships

Dual Enrollment

College Information

Career Information
