staff and faculty

focused on faith and excellence

kids sitting in classroom

administration and staff

Pastor Robert Riley
Pastor Robert Riley
Dr. Richard L. Spain Jr.
Dr. Richard L. Spain Jr.
Renee Cardenas
Renee Cardenas
Middle and High School Principal
Larry Smith
Larry Smith
Dean of Academics
Edward Moore
Edward Moore
Dean of Students
Ashley Teel
Ashley Teel
Director of Technology
Perri Teel
Perri Teel
Director of Athletics
Patricia True
Patricia True
Assistant Elementary Principal
Sandy Moore
Sandy Moore
Elementary Assistant
Kristina Shott
Kristina Shott
Administrative Assistant
Bernadette Kassner
Bernadette Kassner
Director of Admissions
Stephanie Barnes
Stephanie Barnes
Educational Technologist | STEM | Middle and High School Coding | Home Economics
Kristen Riley
Kristen Riley
Creative Media Director
Malissa Mullen
Malissa Mullen
Office Manager
LeAnn Butler
LeAnn Butler
Registrar | Middle School and High School Attendance
Caitlin Gardner
Caitlin Gardner
Brittany Wilson
Brittany Wilson
Media Specialist
Tony Norden
Tony Norden
Education Technologist
Esther Wilson
Esther Wilson
Pre-School | Elementary Principal

Middle school and high school

Stephanie Barnes
Stephanie Barnes
Educational Technologist | STEM | Middle and High School Coding | Home Economics
John Cubas
John Cubas
Middle and High School Chorus | Spanish II
Kristina Shott
Kristina Shott
Elementary Art | Middle and High School Art I, II, and III | Geography
Charles Love
Charles Love
Middle School Bible
Andrea Norden
Andrea Norden
Middle School Science
Melissa Smith
Melissa Smith
Middle School Math
Catherine Stika
Catherine Stika
Middle School English
Matthew Teel
Matthew Teel
Middle School History
Dustin Clidence
Dustin Clidence
High School Math
Alyssa Gardner
Alyssa Gardner
High School Literature | Journalism
Mike Koloski
Mike Koloski
High School Science
Rebecka LeDay
Rebecka LeDay
High School Science
Ellen Maynard
Ellen Maynard
High School Math
Kari Preston
Kari Preston
Middle and High School PE/Health, High School Bible
Betsy Cubas
Betsy Cubas
Middle and High School Spanish I
Lawrence Wilson
Lawrence Wilson
High School Bible
Celeste Cobb
Celeste Cobb
High School History
Diane Lamoureux
Diane Lamoureux
High School English
Jeff Adams
Jeff Adams
Middle and High School Band

pre school and elementary

Brittany Teel
Brittany Teel
Elementary PE
Melissa Zurita
Melissa Zurita
Elementary Spanish
Kristina Shott
Kristina Shott
Elementary Art | Middle and High School Art I, II, and III | Geography
Ryan Baldridge
Ryan Baldridge
Elementary Music and Chorus
Kava Johnson
Kava Johnson
Courtney Macomber
Courtney Macomber
Michelle Smoot
Michelle Smoot
Kim Turner
Kim Turner
Joann Anderson
Joann Anderson
Dlevha Olson
Dlevha Olson
Kathy Gaskins
Kathy Gaskins
K5 Teacher
Tiffany Ables
Tiffany Ables
First Grade
Esther Clidence
Esther Clidence
First Grade
Maria Perales
Maria Perales
Second Grade
Tracy Thorne
Tracy Thorne
Second Grade
Sharon Hipsley
Sharon Hipsley
Third Grade
Lorraine Olmo
Lorraine Olmo
Third Grade
Tamara Albin
Tamara Albin
Fourth and Fifth Grade Math
Katorya Mukandwa
Katorya Mukandwa
Fourth and Fifth Grade Science
Anna Williams
Anna Williams
Fourth and Fifth Grade English
Lauren Lindemulder
Lauren Lindemulder
Fourth and Fifth Grade History

Employment Opportunities

Employees of First Coast Christian School endeavor to complete this mission by partnering with parents in educating their children by providing an academically excellent, Christ-centered quality education.