
Biblical Emphasis
Daily Bible lessons are taught in every classroom. Prayer, memorization of scripture, and spiritual growth are emphasized every day. Students attend Chapel weekly, which reenforces concepts and principles being taught in the classroom.
Elementary school teachers use a traditional approach to instruction in the classroom. The academic day consists of the core subjects: Bible, Reading, Phonics, Language, Spelling, Math, Science, History, and Health.
Resource classes
PE, Spanish, Music, and Library courses are taught by resource teachers. These classes provide students the opportunity to expand their area of interest and learning on a weekly basis.
All elementary classes are equipped with iPads to enhance student learning. In grades 3-5, the devices are 1:1, giving each student a device assigned specifically to them. This allows the teachers to introduce our Learning Management System, Canvas, which is used extensively in Middle and High school.
After school and extracurricular activities are a very important part of the elementary education experience at First Coast Christian School. We strive to give our students the best opportunities to learn and experience music, art, and athletics. Giving elementary students this opportunity allows them to become equipped learners, as they move on to middle school. At FCCS, we not only offer great resources for extracurricular learning, but we also provide an outlet for students to compete and excel in their area of interest. After school activities include band for 5th grade and chorus for grades 3-5.